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Clinical Research / Monitoring

Clinical Trial Agility: 3 Factors That Can Make or Break It

The word agility is thrown around a lot these days, to the point where it’s practically a buzzword.

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Clinical Research / Monitoring Therapeutic Insights

Changing Cell & Gene Therapy Landscape and Implications on Clinical Trials

Cell & Gene Therapy Background

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Diversity & Inclusion

Understanding & Valuing Neurodiversity in the Workplace

In May and October of this year, I had the opportunity to facilitate a staff training entitled Understanding & Valuing Neurodiversity. This training deepened our understanding of...

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Technology Insights Data Management

SCDM 2022 Key Takeaways: Fundamental Shifts in the Data Ecosystem

Although the Society for Clinical Data Management’s (SCDM) annual conference took place several weeks ago in San Antonio, Texas, there are many key takeaways that are worth noting as we...

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Talent/Career Tips

Find Why You Should Work with a Recruiter

Whether you’re looking for a new opportunity or you’ve been impacted by a layoff, the job market can be challenging to navigate alone. Having a recruiter as your guide can eliminate...

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Clinical Research / Monitoring Technology Insights Data Management

Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs): Protecting Your Data to Reduce Risk
By Advanced Clinical on September 22, 2022

Many professionals in the life sciences industry are excited about the benefits decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) bring to the clinical research process and specifically to patients. The...

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