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Clinical Research / Monitoring Clinical Staffing Talent/Career Tips

Closing the Gap: How to Overcome Clinical Trial Staffing Shortages

Serious staffing shortages affect nearly all aspects of healthcare, clinical research included.

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Clinical Project Management Clinical Research / Monitoring

The Art of the CRO Transition: Set Up Your Study for Success

The decision to change contract research organizations (CROs) for an ongoing study is not an easy one, but sometimes a move is necessary. The CRO may be underperforming, lack adequate...

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Technology Insights Clinical Staffing

Making Us More Human: Applying Artificial Intelligence to Your Clinical Resourcing and Talent Acquisition Strategy

Since the high-profile release of ChatGPT, we’ve all been inundated by stories about the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the potential doom and gloom of employing these...

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Technology Insights Data Management

Reduce Complexity and Cost Through Single Data Entry, Data Flow and Single Source of Truth

Successful clinical drug development depends upon having accurate, reliable data from numerous, disparate sources to satisfy the demands of regulators, payers, sites, sponsors, CROs and...

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Clinical Project Management Clinical Research / Monitoring

From Caution to Confidence: How Emerging Biotech Companies Can Win Over Investors and Demonstrate Value through an Effective Clinical Research Partnership

As we near the midpoint of 2023, emerging biotech companies are facing an evolving clinical research and development landscape in which time and money are proving to be both scarce and...

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Talent/Career Tips

Reskill Your Way to a Clinical Research Career

When making a career pivot, many people hit a wall almost immediately, stopped by a need for experience that seems impossible to get without being hired for the job requiring the...

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