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Topic: Clinical Research Monitoring

Clinical Research / Monitoring Talent/Career Tips

How to Become a Medical Writer: Why a Career in Clinical Research Presents an Alternative Path Outside of Academia

Medical writing is an essential component of medical science, whether it is regulatory writing, scientific communication or medical education. For graduates with a doctoral degree who want...

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Clinical Research / Monitoring Clinical Staffing

Good Communication is Critical to FSP Success
By Advanced Clinical on January 24, 2022

Functional Service Providers (FSPs) offer an agile solution to manage entire functions that support clinical research programs across multiple studies and/or regions. Often, Clinical...

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Clinical Research / Monitoring Diversity & Inclusion

5 Ways to Determine Whether your CRO Partner Can Fulfill D&I Goals

Part 2 of the blog series: Diversity in Clinical Research. Regulators have made it clear that they expect to see diversity and inclusion (D&I) in clinical trial populations. Today, many...

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Clinical Research / Monitoring

4 Tips for Effective Communication with your Clinical Research Partners in a Virtual World
By Advanced Clinical on May 7, 2021

The shift to a virtual business, and clinical trial, environment created significant disruption across all aspects of clinical research. During the early months of the pandemic, the...

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Clinical Research / Monitoring Diversity & Inclusion

Did COVID-19 make clinical trials more inclusive?

Part 1 of the blog series: Diversity in Clinical Research. The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on clinical research will have far-reaching effects on clinical trial planning for decades to come....

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Clinical Research / Monitoring Therapeutic Insights

World Cancer Day 2021: Five Glimmers of Hope Amidst the Pandemic
By Advanced Clinical on February 2, 2021

February 4 is World Cancer Day, an annual event celebrating the latest advances in cancer care and also a time when clinical researchers renew our commitments to press forward in our...

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